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Praise Dance
Praise Dance Minister
"It tells you in his word, you can praise the Lord through dancing...referring to Psalms 149:3. "David praised the Lord through dancing."This style of dance "spiritual dance," a combination of modern dance, ballet and jazz dance movements, all guided by one's spirit. 

The movements mostly are soft and angelic like.  We allow the spirit to create all the moves. Through spiritual dance dancers can praise and worship God;  and also they can reach out to others.

We don't consider it just dancing, we consider it a ministry. Therefore, we pray before we dance and ask that someone is blessed. You want people to see the Jesus in you and hope somebody can be saved. "When you dance for the Lord, you allow him to use you as a vessel so someone can receive a blessing."  To be a part of the Praise Dance Ministry see Sister Shae for more details.


Dance Team


Praise and Worship Team
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